
Don District Salmon Board

River Don Trust

Brown Trout Improv Assn

Policy & Reports


RDT- FMP       
Salmon in the Classroom           
Obstacle Removal           
Genetic Sampling           
Scale Sampling           
Invasive Species           

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Conservation Code 2010

Gyrodactylus Salaris

Water Vole Proj.

Alien Invaders

Don Photo Album

The River Don Trust
Old Estate Office, Cluny Castle
Aberdeenshire, AB51 7RT

Tel: 01330 830080

River Don Scale Sampling

The first of our series of Scale Sampling was held on Monday 29th March at our offices at Cluny. It was was well attended and represented the main angling clubs in tthe area, individuals and representatives of the DDSFB and The River Don Trust.
The seminar format was a presentation by the Don Trust Biologist Jamie Urquhart interspersed with practical sessions on how to take scales as efficiently as possible while causing the minimum distress to the fish.
Jamie also showed ushow to transfer the information to acetate strips so they could be read and kept almost forever so a detailed "bank" of information could be built up while explaining to us what the scale actually was telling us. A task that requires a few years to perfect but an example is given below.
Other seminars will be held so if you want to attend please email Jamie to advise you would like to know when they are to be held at [email protected]

scaleSamplingJamieMicroscope Biologist Jamie Urquhart demonstrates how to carefully prepare scales for reading
one of the attendees  removing some scales scaleSamplingVolunteer
















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